söndag 27 mars 2011

I could not drop this. Step six!

Place it upside down.
Remove form.

Return to the Kitch by dressing it with mirrors.

The bust has long been a symbol of men with power . Kings, lords, nobles, politicians and so on. I was not thinking about this when I started with this cast. Classical sculpture is perhaps not a part of the formless or radicant thinking, but I like the idea that it is upside down and that it reflects the surroundings and the viewer.

Is it still a status symbol?

The Wave!

If you have not seen this movie see it!

Stanford Prison Experiment

Zimbardo shows how most evil comes from hierarchy and the environment.
I should like to illustrate these phenomena. But how? Not like Z but in one art piece.

Some say that the experiment Zimbardo did, should not have been done because it was ethically wrong. But is it the environment that determines when it is right and wrong? is it ever right?

I like how this experiment illustrates a very important and dangerous process in our society.

How far would you go, until you spoke up?

fredag 18 mars 2011

onsdag 16 mars 2011

Can you put one form on power?
I will try!

Acting as a ruler

Today I will start reading Härskarteknik den fula vägen till makt. And I will try to change my behavior.

Something that is difficult to discern, but it exists everywhere!