fredag 27 maj 2011
tisdag 10 maj 2011
Project design, materials, layout and arrangement
I will have five stations, each of which shall contain an request (an order).
The orders will be given to the viewer via headphones, which will be on a podium together with different materials.
Lego is one of the materials involved in the requests. A banana (bananas), my mirror figure, your shoes and a pad will also be a part of this.
onsdag 27 april 2011
tisdag 26 april 2011
Zimbardo The teacher/researcher who conducted the Stanford prison experiment, stopped his experiments when he was asked about what the experiment made him. I think these experiments are unpleasant, but they learn us something about our behavior. And this is what I want to illustrate with my current projects.(but not as radically as Zimbardoor or the video below.)
I want to make people aware of the choices they do and why.
And that the environment and other people have a major impact.
I want to make people aware of the choices they do and why.
And that the environment and other people have a major impact.
fredag 8 april 2011
söndag 27 mars 2011
I could not drop this. Step six!
Place it upside down.
Remove form.
Return to the Kitch by dressing it with mirrors.
The bust has long been a symbol of men with power . Kings, lords, nobles, politicians and so on. I was not thinking about this when I started with this cast. Classical sculpture is perhaps not a part of the formless or radicant thinking, but I like the idea that it is upside down and that it reflects the surroundings and the viewer.
Is it still a status symbol?
Stanford Prison Experiment
Zimbardo shows how most evil comes from hierarchy and the environment.
I should like to illustrate these phenomena. But how? Not like Z but in one art piece.
Some say that the experiment Zimbardo did, should not have been done because it was ethically wrong. But is it the environment that determines when it is right and wrong? is it ever right?
I like how this experiment illustrates a very important and dangerous process in our society.
How far would you go, until you spoke up?
fredag 18 mars 2011
Flash mob!
The viewers are unknowing, but oh so involved.
Taking power over a public space.
Globalization (and the metaphysics of control...)
"It just seems easier to control people when you have their consent!"
The Asch Experiment
This film shows how people adapt to a group and how easy it is to take control over and affect one individual.
sir Ken Robinson
This film was shown in Fyra dagar. I like it and I think more people should see it!
onsdag 16 mars 2011
Acting as a ruler
Today I will start reading Härskarteknik den fula vägen till makt. And I will try to change my behavior.
Something that is difficult to discern, but it exists everywhere!
onsdag 2 mars 2011
tisdag 1 mars 2011
måndag 28 februari 2011
I love photoshop!
Me and my best friend!
The funny thing is that you don´t know what is real and whats added! Or do you?
The power of the Cube and the Camera
Today I was playing around with marbles and mirrors. I like the idea of using me of a material that is fine, delicate and classic, but also as in this case created with the purpose to be played with.
The marbles are heavy but also transparent, which gives my form a ambiguous feeling. The mirrors give rise to ideas about the concepts of space and geometry.
I get farscinerad by the idea that the environment and different angles can display the cube in such different ways.
söndag 27 februari 2011
Covering a plant
Two of my plants got more acquainted with my wasted foods.
I let sour milk and soup slowly flow down over the plants. An experiment with the meeting of two organic products, that clearly shows the over-consumption and wastefulness in the society.
onsdag 23 februari 2011
I saw some films made by BLU and came to think of this children's programs. I liked this when I was little. Who does not like to play with their food?
It is interesting how the work is not resistant.
How it evolves and changes.
How it would not exist unless it was caught on film.
Low material!?
torsdag 17 februari 2011
Got bored and started with this picture. Surreal?
What would happen to our morals and rules, on the day we begin to mutate.
I saw the movie Splice last week, in which they have to confront this issue.
What would happen to our morals and rules, on the day we begin to mutate.
I saw the movie Splice last week, in which they have to confront this issue.

I came to think of this project I did a year ago. I made a cat mask and wore it for a day.
With this work I wanted to approach the human fascination with the blend of man and animals. It was based on people's historical connection to animals but also to the contact we have with animals today and how society shaped us.
I went home on the subway with the mask, children became frightened, while the adults were curious and very social. I liked this project, but it was funny how I started acting like a cat.
I was not filmed and I did not do it as a performance but it was very special, perhaps something that I should be investigated further.
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